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国际SCI期刊Ocean & Coastal Management(JCR Q1)执行编辑

国际新创期刊Sustainable Horizons执行编辑

Ocean Engineering 编委




博士,中共党员,湖北省“楚天学者计划”楚天学子,国家自然科学基金评审专家。本科毕业于上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,博士毕业于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学。近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项主持/参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、横向项目30余项。近年来发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI论文50余篇(第一/通讯作者30)ESI高被引论文2篇,Google H-index 16(20239月),主编教材/专著1部,获中国航海学会科学技术奖一等奖1项(省部级),受理发明专利7项、授权1项。担任Ocean & CoastalManagement执行编辑、SustainableHorizons执行编辑、OceanEngineering编委及多个领域内期刊审稿人。








[1] Shu, Y., Zhu, Y., Xu, F., Gan, L., Lee, P.T.-W., Yin, J., Chen, J. (2023). Path planning for ships assisted by the icebreaker in ice-covered waters in the Northern Sea Route based on optimal control. Ocean Engineering, 267: 113182. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[2] Shu, Y., Hu, A., Zheng, Y., Gan, L., Xiao, G., Zhou, C., Song, L. (2023). Evaluation of ship emission intensity and the inaccuracy of exhaust emission estimation model. Ocean Engineering, 287, 115723. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[3] Fan, A., Yan, J., Xiong, Y., Shu, Y. *, Fan, X., Wang, Y., He, Y., Chen, J. (2023). Characteristics of real-world ship energy consumption and emissions based on onboard testing. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 194, 115411. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[4] Kang, C., Yang, H., Yu, G., Deng, J., Shu, Y*. (2023). Simulation of Oil Spills in Inland Rivers. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(7):1294. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[5] Gan, L., Ye, B., Huang, Z., Xu, Y., Chen, Q., Shu, Y*. (2023). Knowledge graph construction based on ship collision accident reports to improve maritime traffic safety. Ocean & Coastal Management, 240, 106660. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[6] Gan, L., Lu, T., Shu, Y*. (2023). Diffusion and Superposition of Ship Exhaust Gas in Port Area Based on Gaussian Puff Model: A Case Study on Shenzhen Port. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 11, 330. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[7] Shu, Y., Wang, X., Huang, Z., Song, L., Fei, Z., Gan, L., Xu, Y., Yin, J. (2022). Estimating spatiotemporal distribution of wastewater generated by ships in coastal areas. Ocean & Coastal Management, 222, 106133. (SCI, JCR Q1, ESI高被引论文)

[8] Chen, J., Ye, J., Zhuang, C., Qin, Q., Shu, Y*. (2022). Liner shipping alliance management: Overview and future research directions. Ocean & Coastal Management, 219, 106039. (SCI, JCR Q1, ESI高被引论文)

[9] Gan, L., Yan, Z., Zhang, L., Liu, K., Zheng, Y., Zhou, C., Shu, Y*. (2022). Ship path planning based on safety potential field in inland rivers. Ocean Engineering, 260, 111928. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[10] Yu, Y*., Sun, R., Sun, Y., Shu, Y*. (2022). Integrated Carbon Emission Estimation Method and Energy Conservation Analysis: The Port of Los Angles Case Study. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(6), 717. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[11]  Gan, L., Chen, Q., Zhang, D., Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Liu, C., Shu, Y*. (2022). Construction of Knowledge Graph for Flag State Control (FSC) Inspection for Ships: A Case Study from China. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(10): 1352. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[12]  Cao, S., Fan, P., Yan, T., Xie, C., Deng, J., Xu, F., Shu, Y*. (2022). Inland Waterway Ship Path Planning Based on Improved RRT Algorithm. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(10): 1460. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[13]  Cui, R., Liu, Z., Wang, X.*, Yang, Z., Fan, S., Shu, Y*. (2022). The impact of marine engine noise exposure on seafarer fatigue: A China case. Ocean Engineering, 266: 112943. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[14] 刘成勇,项邦豪,张东方,甘浪雄,束亚清*,许毅.船舶现场监督业务的知识图谱构建方法[J].大连海事大学学报,2022:1-11.(中文核心)

[15]  Yu, Y., Chen, L., Shu, Y*., Zhu, W. (2021). Evaluation model and management strategy for reducing pollution caused by ship collision in coastal waters. Ocean & Coastal Management, 203, 105446. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[16]  Liu, K., Yu, Q*., Yuan, Z., Yang, Z., Shu, Y*. (2021). A systematic analysis for maritime accidents causation in Chinese coastal waters using machine learning approaches. Ocean & Coastal Management, 213, 105859. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[17]  Song, L., Huang, Z., Zhang, H., Tian, K., Yin, N., Xu, Y., Gan, L., Wang, J., Chen, J., Shu, Y*., Zheng, C. (2021). The urgency to address the occupational health of Chinese seafarers for sustainable development. Marine Policy, 129, 104518. (SSCI, JCR Q1)

[18]  Xu, H., Tao, B., Shu, Y*., Wang, Y*. (2021). Long-term memory law and empirical research on dry bulks shipping market fluctuations. Ocean & Coastal Management, 213, 105838. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[19]  Wang, T., Shu, Y*. (2021). Willingness of students majoring in the navigation to work as seafarers in China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 211, 105765. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[20]  Chen, J., Di, Z., Shi, J., Shu, Y*., Wan, Z*., Song, L*., Zhang, W. (2020). Marine oil spill pollution causes and governance: A case study of Sanchi tanker collision and explosion. Journal of Cleaner Production, 273, 122978. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[21]  Wang, J*., Yi, B., Zhang, C., Zhou, H., Shu, Y*. (2019). Experiments of double curvature plate bending with induction heating and processing parameters investigation by computational analysis. Ocean Engineering, 192, 106596. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[22]  Shu, Y*., Daamen, W., Ligteringen, H., Wang, M., Hoogendoorn, S. (2018). Calibration and validation for the vessel maneuvering prediction (VMP) model using AIS data of vessel encounters. Ocean Engineering, 169, 529-538. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[23]  Shu, Y*., Daamen, W., Ligteringen, H., Hoogendoorn, S. P. (2017). Influence of external conditions and vessel encounters on vessel behavior in ports and waterways using Automatic Identification System data. Ocean Engineering, 131, 1-14. (SCI, JCR Q1)


1. 湖北省有关人才,湖北省教育厅, CT学子, 2022(1/1);

2. 中国航海学会科学技术奖(省部级),一等奖,2021,中国航海学会(5/15);

3. 国家级一流本科课程线下一流课程《地文航海》2020,主要成员(4/5);

4. 第十届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛一等奖,2023,指导老师(1/2);

5. 第十届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛一等奖,2021,指导老师(1/1);

6. 第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛湖北省银奖2021,指导老师。











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