姓 名:陈辰
性 别:男
邮 箱:cc198895whut.edu.cn/cc198895
2006.09-2010.06武汉理工大学 航海技术 学士
2011.10-2013.09神户大学 海事科学 硕士
2013.10-2016.03神户大学 海事科学 博士
2021.01-至今 武汉理工大学 航海技术 副研究员
2018.04-2020.12神户大学 国际海事研究中心 助教/日本船舶海洋工学会外籍会员
2016.04-2018.03大阪大学 船舶与海洋工程 JSPS特别研究员
2.日本学术振兴委员会(The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science),基础研究基金(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)),20H02398,OPE Optimal Routing System to Enable Risk Management of Rough Sea Voyage and Mooring Problem Due to the Uncertainty of Weather(考虑由天气不确定性引发的恶劣海况航行及系泊问题风险管理的气象导航系统研究),2020-04至2024-03,1755万日元,在研,参与(排名2/5)。
3.日本学术振兴委员会(The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science),若手科研基金(Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists),19K15251,Construction of an advanced ship routing system for the South-North shipping routes(南北半球航路气象导航系统的构建),2019-04至2022-03,416万日元,在研,主持。
4.日本学术振兴委员会(The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science),国际共同研究强化基金(Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research,Fostering Joint International Research (B)),18KK0131,Accurate Evaluation of Maritime Transportation in Asia, Oceania, and Europe with the Construction of Global Voyage Database(基于全球船舶航行数据库构建的亚欧及大洋洲之间海上运输评估),2018-10至2023-03,1703万日元,在研,参与(排名3/4)。
1.Chen, C. *, Shiotani, S. and Sasa, K., “Numerical ship navigation based on weather and ocean simulation”, Ocean Engineering, Volume 69, 1 September 2013, Pages 44–53.
2.Shiotani Shigeaki, Shinchiku Ryu, CHEN CHEN. Study on an Applicability of Early Estimation of Tsunami Propagation Using AIS data. Journal of Coastal Zone Studies, Vol.26, NO.3, pp.129-139, 2013.
3.Chen, C. *, Shiotani, S. and Sasa, K., Effects of Weather and Ocean on Ship Traffic in the Eastern Seto Inland Sea. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineering, ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), Vol. 70, No. 2, I_942-I_947, 2014.
4.Sasa, K., Chen, C., Shiotani, S., Ohsawa, T. and Terada, D., Numerical Analysis of Failed Forecasts of Waves under Low Pressures from Viewpoint of Ship Operation, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), pp.1-8, June, 2014.
5.Chen, C. *, Shiotani, S. and Sasa, K., “Effect of Ocean Currents on Ship Navigation in the East China Sea”, Ocean Engineering, Vol.104, pp.283-293, 2015.
6.Chen, C. *, Shiotani, S. and Sasa, K., “Study on a Numerical Navigation System in the East China Sea”, Applied Ocean Research, Vol.53, pp.257-266, 2015.
7.Sasa, K., Terada, D., Shiotani, S., Wakabayashi, N., Ikebuchi, T., Chen, C., Takayama, A., and Uchida, M., “Evaluation of Ship Performance in International Maritime Transportation using an Onboard Observation System—In Case of a Bulk Carrier for International Voyages—”, Ocean Engineering, Vol.104, pp.294-309, 2015.
8.Sasa, K., Lu, L.F. and Chen, C., “A Basic Study on Ship Speed Loss from the Viewpoint of Geographic Conditions and Ship Performance”, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), pp.1-8, 2016.
9.Chen, C. *, and Masashi Kashiwagi. "Ship Routing Based on the Kuroshio Current." ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 7B: Ocean Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (OMAE), 2017.
10.Chen, C. *, "Case study on wave-current interaction and its effects on ship navigation." Journal of Hydrodynamics 30.3 (2018): 411-419.
11.Sasa K, Takeuchi K, Chen C, et al. Evaluation of speed loss in bulk carriers with actual data from rough sea voyages. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 187: 106162.
12.Sasa, K., Fujimatsu, T., Chen, C., & Shoji, R. (2019, June). Estimation and Comparison of Accuracy in Various Data Resolutions on Optimal Ship Routing Across the North Pacific Ocean. In International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (Vol. 58783, p. V003T02A044). American Society of Mechanical Engineers (OMAE).
13.FUJIMATSU TAKUYA, SASA KENJI, CHEN CHEN, SHOJI RURI, A Comparison of Simulated Results of Weather Routing for the Difference of Data Resolution. Nov. 2018, Proceeding of JASNAOE, 27, 517 – 522.
14.Chen, C. *, Shiotani, S. and Sasa, K., High-resolution Numerical Ship Navigation in a High Wind Situation. 14th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT), Ulrichshusen, Germany, 2015.
15.Chen, C. *, Shiotani, S. and Sasa, K., Effect of weather and ocean on ship navigation in a coastal area of Japan. International Symposium Information on Ships (ISIS), Hamburg,Germany, 2014.
16.Chen, C. *, Sasa, K., Ohsawa, T., & Prpić-Oršić, J. (2020). Comparative study on WRF model simulations from the viewpoint of optimum ship routing. Ocean Engineering, 207, 107379.
17.Chen, C. *, Kenji Sasa, Teruo Ohsawa, Masashi Kashiwagi, Jasna Prpić-Oršić, Takaaki Mizojiri, Comparative assessment of NCEP and ECMWF global datasets and numerical approaches on rough sea ship navigation based on numerical simulation and shipboard measurements. Applied Ocean Research, accepted on 17th May, 2020.
18.Kenji Sasa, Chen, C. *, Takuya Fujimatsu, Ruri Shoji, Atsuo Maki. Speed Loss Analysis and Rough Wave Avoidance Algorithms for Optimal Ship Routing Simulation of 28,000-DWT Bulk Carrier. Ocean Engineering, Volume 228, 108800.
19.Chen, C. *, Sasa, K., Prpić-Oršić, J., & Mizojiri, T. (2021). Statistical analysis of waves’ effects on ship navigation using high-resolution numerical wave simulation and shipboard measurements. Ocean Engineering, 229, 108757.(
20.Jing, Q., Sasa, K., Chen, C., Yin, Y., Yasukawa, H., & Terada, D. (2021). Analysis of ship maneuvering difficulties under severe weather based on onboard measurements and realistic simulation of ocean environment. Ocean Engineering, 221, 108524.
3.日本政府文部科学省硕博课程奖学金(MEXT Scholarship),省部级(日本),2011年10月,排名第一。
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